falcon tattoo

Falcon Tattoo – Beautiful design sketches and ideas for you

Falcon Tattoo – Drawing on the body is not only an ornament, but also a whole ideology hidden in lines and color. The image of the falcon can be seen on both men and women.

The stronger sex prefers to apply realistic tattoos on the back, shoulders, and hips. Sometimes the master uses places with movable joints for this, so that the illusion of bird movement is created. And girls like stylized tattoos.

Falcon Tattoo meaning

The image of birds is often found in tattoo culture. But the sketches with the falcon have a special philosophical significance. The falcon is the king among birds. A fast and impetuous predator, it is able to track down and quickly overtake its prey by falling down with a stone. No wonder it was used in the royal hunt.

The falcon is a symbol of strength and freedom. A man with such a tattoo is used to achieving his goals by snatching victory from an opponent. Sketches with a peregrine falcon soaring in the sky are found in far-sighted people. Such men and women are used to calculating the situation and then benefit. A drawing with a diving falcon can be seen in a purposeful person. And the image of a bird on a tree means activity and the search for opportunities.

The falcon is a brave, fair bird and does not attack a recumbent one. But he undertakes the attack immediately, seeing the victim from a height of flight. Self-confidence, the desire to win, perseverance and fearlessness distinguish the owner of a tattoo with a falcon. A person is a leader. Thanks to the strength of the spirit, he will find a place in any team.

The peoples of the world still respect this proud and noble bird.

In ancient Egypt

In ancient Egypt, the god Ra was depicted with the head of a falcon. Therefore, it was believed that the bird’s eye has magical properties.

In Europe and Russia

In Europe and Russia, rulers and nobles loved falconry. The bird was expensive, had the status of a “little brother” on a par with a horse and a hunting dog. Such amusements were not available to commoners, so the peregrine falcon was associated exclusively with wealth, good origin and royal power.

In ancient Russia, the falcon symbolized a brave warrior. This image was played out in folk tales. Everyone has known the brave and noble Finist Clear Falcon since childhood. The trident of the Rurikovich was created in the image of a diving falcon. Brave warriors wore the bird symbol as a talisman, drew energy from it to defeat the enemy.

In ancient Slavs and Indians

The ancient Slavs saw in the falcon a powerful fiery spirit Rarog, which connected the heavenly world with the earthly and brought news.

The Indians worshipped the peregrine falcon as a generic totem.

The meaning of tattoos for girls

Despite the fact that the falcon is a male sign, girls also get a tattoo with a bird. They choose this symbol solely because of its beauty. But such a tattoo can be found in a purposeful and independent woman. She has a strong character and wants to achieve success in life. She is ambitious and knows her worth.

The meaning of tattoos for men

A tattoo with the image of a falcon characterizes a man as a strong personality. He is brave and has the soul of a warrior. His noble nature is no stranger to a sense of justice. Leadership qualities help him in life to conquer peaks unattainable for others.

The guy with the falcon tattoo is very successful and wealthy. He is a good family man and protects the interests of his relatives. The symbol serves as a talisman for the owner.

Falcon Tattoo Gallery

Falcon Tattoo Stencil

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